Gonna Take You For A Ride

2010 January 16
by Spiritsnare

My contribution to the current trend of stickering Technika cards to personalize them and make them stand out in the local arcade’s card line? A reference printed on the back side of any given Technika card to what many people would regard as an injoke.

Until beholders of this card actually realize that Shoreline is probably one of the greatest songs in the game, and Para Q occupies a ranking far, far below.

7 Responses leave one →
  1. 2010 January 17
    senpai permalink

    Hi lt3/senpai here, random thread maker of the Technika boards.

    …Actually that’s quite a good idea you got there. I’ll try to make a diss for PQ on my card. For the time being, I like to colour letters in on Fermion cards to make the card as obscene as possible. (Imagine what you could make out of PENTAVISION).

    …soz, if i broke ur post rules u may delete this whenever u want.


  2. 2010 January 18


  3. 2010 January 18
    senpai permalink

    btw what’s with the shoreline/para q war? there’s 36 comments on the thread, man.

  4. 2010 January 19
    ephC permalink

    I approve of this post.

  5. 2010 January 23
    Chun permalink

    I just played Para Q today in Core.

    Wow, what a godawful piece of crap.

  6. 2010 January 29
    Peper0 permalink

    Para Q got ruined by that random teddy bear. ._.

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