Tales of the Amusing KFC Promo
Everyone and their mother knows about Oprah’s free Kentucky Grilled Chicken deal that it’s just getting to become more and more amusing with every day that passes.
I walk into my own local KFC to see whether or not the coupon would actually work by itself (I saw no catches, so I was really, really curious) and at the counter, two cashiers are folding up a handful of papers just like mine.
So I go up to them, and ask, “So, you’re accepting these?”
They reply, “Yes, we accept them.”
While ordering my own two-piece meal, I hear from the cashier about how everyone who walked into the restaurant that day hadn’t had a coupon (which was, of course, not surprising). On top of that, apparently there was a family who came in and tossed the cashier eight coupons – to which the cashier, at first, refused, until she saw that there was a huge line. (Huge lines are apparently common; one of my friends also passed by a KFC and reported one helluva line.)
As she finishes ringing me up, a middle-aged Asian man comes in with the coupon. The cashier asks, “You want one too?” The Asian man cracks a grin on his face: “Of course, free!” By that time, I had been handed the bag with my meal to go, and wishing them a good day, I open up the door to head home, and in come three more people with coupons (the last one had two).
I think perhaps this takes the cake for best (and worst) promo ever – not because of the chicken (the chicken’s certainly tasty, but not as tasty as their mainstay, and, on top of that, they seem smaller than their fried varieties), but because of its entertainment value.